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Newtown Pension Committee
March 17th, 2014

The Newtown Pension Committee met on Monday March 17th, 2014 in the Lower Level Conference Room of Town Hall South. The meeting was called to order at 7:31pm.  

Present: Barbara Bloom, Richard Monckton, Tom Murtha, Dunham Smith, Charles Farfaglia, Mark Korotash.  

Also in attendance: Carole Ross, HR

Mr. Farfaglia was introduced as a new member of the Committee and stated his background and interest in serving on the Committee.

Public Participation:   None

Approval of Minutes:  Minutes of the January 29th meeting were moved by Mark Korotash and seconded by Barbara Bloom – passed as presented.

Correspondence: None

Approval of bills:      An invoice from TR Paul was presented in the amount of $1400, moved by Dunham Smith and seconded by Mark Korotash.   

Mrs. Ross announced the topic of the new security officers for the schools which is being discussed by the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Education.  Retired Police Officers of the town could apply and would therefore, as per the Pension Plan, be eligible for both the Police Plan and the Town Plan.  A possible amendment to the plan could prevent this.  The Committee feels that the officers should be able to participate in both plans.  

Also discussed was the 401 plan for non-union new hires.  The Committee did not know this had been passed by the Board of Selectman and had read about it in the paper.  They stated that there was a definite lack of communication between the Town and the Committee regarding pension decisions and would like to be informed.

Mr. Murtha asked about the meeting with Westport Resources and the Board of Selectmen in January and when the Board wanted to meet with them again. (Mrs. Ross checked and minutes from the meeting state September).  The Committee asked that Westport be brought in for the May meeting to discuss further ETF’s. Mrs. Ross will contact.

Adjourned at 7:55
Carole Ross